Saturday, November 24, 2007

Boob Needles

This post isn't going to be nearly as odd as the title suggests. Whew.

Firstly, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of happiness and free from unwanted relatives.

Secondly, I ventured to Broadripple with my mum today to go to the new knitting store! Very fun! It was a bit tricky to find but once I got there it was just lovely. They oohed and ahhed over this:

and I bought only a pair of Boob Needles (Needles with a pink bead and a pearl on the tips that say "find a cure" on them with a pink ribbon.) and a single button for the Ipod case I haven't made yet.
I also have FINALLY updated Ravelry with pics and all sorts and have also created an etsy site! It's at and you can buy my new Christmas Stocking pattern there, as well as other things. That's about it for now. Oh! I've finally finished the GDMFing Birthday Shawl, just need to get a decent picture of it...
Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving weekend!

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