I knit. I quilt. I spin, sew, weave, crochet, bake, run and garden too. I'm basically Martha Stewart, but without the whole audience thing. (I'm totally kidding- this is just the blog of a 20-something yarn junkie)
Monday, January 28, 2008
My parents went to Key West
And brought me back yarn! I have finally trained them! (Now we just have to see if it's enough for a whole project...I could care less about it's possible novelty-ness).

So that's good. And I woke up today before my alarm clock, which is also good. So I got ready and headed to campus early to ship out THE FINISHED GILBERT GRAPE SCARF. Seriously...it gets better. Got there, shipped it, got to class early and the TA handed out papers. This is a math class....normally the handing back of the papers is enough to make me run away and hide under a desk. You know what? Perfect scores on everything except for one quiz, but I got an 80 on that. So, 9:30 a.m. and this day friggin rocks. Got to my next class, Jane Austen 411. Had relevant input. Awesome again. Got to my next class- Forestry and Natural Wildlife. I got a score of 120% on last week's quiz. Not a typo, just my awesomeness. Went to dance (which is my choreography class where my teacher and I have very different views on what is good choreography and normally means my artistic ego is shattered). AND SHE LIKED MY DANCE! She LOVED it! She normally hates them! Woohooo for Paige and her crazy jumps and turns!
Then went to Stitch and Bitch for an hour or so...I have brought the Sherbert Scarf out of hibernation so I can add one more ball of SWS and call it quits. Hopefully I will finish it tomorrow....at least that would be nice. I'm sick of entrelac.
Got home and there was a score in my inbox for a speech I gave last week. 91%. Considering how I was feeling that day and how little time I put into it, I will take that 91%. It's still an A.

On a sadder note that leads into a happy one, I had myself a Heath Ledger Movie Weekend...because I miss him and will now have to find someone else to have my babies. But, while watching/crying, I managed to get really far in the Colbert Report Blanket (I'm sure Stephen won't mind if I work on his blanket while I watch Heath again) and have just one round left and then a border. I'm so excited...I've been working on this for probably about 2 years now and am hours away from finishing. Woot! Here's a pic for those who have no idea what I'm talking about.
Monday, January 21, 2008
My Scarf is not a Drunk
It is merely passionate about it's wine.
This is the Dark and Dreary scarf, made for my mum's friend Jennifer. It's the only knitting-related task I completed this weekend...but I like it.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Old People and Urgent Care
Well...I've just spent the last three hours in urgent care with a bunch of old people. Like really old.... like 80 ish...and there were like 12 of them all at once in the waiting room of the Urgent Care place. Who was the only one knitting? Me of course!
Got about a foot in on the Dark and Dreary scarf between tonight and last night, as well as about 6 more inches on Gilbert Grape. Both should be done by MLK Day to give to thier new owners! I will certainly get pics before that though!
Happy Knitting!
Got about a foot in on the Dark and Dreary scarf between tonight and last night, as well as about 6 more inches on Gilbert Grape. Both should be done by MLK Day to give to thier new owners! I will certainly get pics before that though!
Happy Knitting!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Man (Scarf) Laws
Walking around at Purdue in cold weather is always an enjoyable experience....the wind going straight through you, the shade of red my ears turn before they completely freeze and feel like they are about to crack off...etc. But there was something today that lifted my spirits. Okay, scratch that. There was something today that made me laugh. A guy. In a scarf. That was made of eyelash yarn.
Man Scarf Law #1. Men are to never EVER wear a scarf of any sort of novelty yarn.
Man Scarf Law #2. I don't care if your girlfriend made it, I said never.
Man Scarf Law #3. Varigated is okay, as long as it is subtle. Hot pink to lime green to highlighter yellow is not only over the top, it's also something a man should never wear. If I ever see this guy again, I will take a Sharpie and write EPIC FAIL on his forehead. Moving on.
Man Scarf Law #4. Stick with natural fibers in natural colors. Wool is good, so is cotton, linen, bamboo and other plant fibers. Angora and mohair is a bit over the top. I draw the line at cashmere, which is still a little fluffy for guys, but that doesn't matter. The man who wears a cashmere scarf has got taste. And I am single.
Man Scarf Law #5. These first four rules do not apply to bisexual or homosexual men. I do love my gay friends and thier fashion statements.
That's all I can think of right now...feel free to add your own!
Happy knitting and have a great day!
Man Scarf Law #1. Men are to never EVER wear a scarf of any sort of novelty yarn.
Man Scarf Law #2. I don't care if your girlfriend made it, I said never.
Man Scarf Law #3. Varigated is okay, as long as it is subtle. Hot pink to lime green to highlighter yellow is not only over the top, it's also something a man should never wear. If I ever see this guy again, I will take a Sharpie and write EPIC FAIL on his forehead. Moving on.
Man Scarf Law #4. Stick with natural fibers in natural colors. Wool is good, so is cotton, linen, bamboo and other plant fibers. Angora and mohair is a bit over the top. I draw the line at cashmere, which is still a little fluffy for guys, but that doesn't matter. The man who wears a cashmere scarf has got taste. And I am single.
Man Scarf Law #5. These first four rules do not apply to bisexual or homosexual men. I do love my gay friends and thier fashion statements.
That's all I can think of right now...feel free to add your own!
Happy knitting and have a great day!
Friday, January 11, 2008
FO, Gilbert Grape and Purl the Fish
I have an FO. A lace FO. Blocked and everything. It's a leaf pattern with pink silk yarn and I LOVE IT!!!!! I would marry it if it were a boy scarf. Here's a couple of the pictures I took (Note the mad scarfography skills...not really)
I also started another project (I know I know...project junkie) but I swear it's not for me! It's for the same cousin...lucky girl. I've made more things for her this year than I have myself...thank goodness it's only January though. So here it is...the purple cascade entrelac scarf that I have named Gilbert Grape. (I was curious as to how I would creatively come up with a name including my love of purple wool, knitting and Johnny Depp....that works, right? I just need to come up with a pair of Edward Scissorhands socks to go with the Sweeny Shawl I haven't made yet....) If any of you were wondering, the beautiful model of a goldfish is Purl.

So that's all for now...except one minor thing... I MADE THE DANCE COMPANY!!!!!!!!!
Okay..back to my history. Have a lovely day!
(Don't forget to go favorite the scarf on ravelry...jk. You can if you want to, I won't stop you at all)
(Don't forget to go favorite the scarf on ravelry...jk. You can if you want to, I won't stop you at all)
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Quick little update
I thought I'd give you guys a quick little update on my life since I moved back ot Purdue for the Spring semester.
Firstly, I haven't touched yarn and needles since I got back. Seriously, I'm that busy.
Secondly, I have spent the last three days at auditions and callbacks for Purdue Dance Company. I find out tomorrow if I got in or not. I am not overly excited about joining, but you need to be in for at least one semester to get your dance minor. After auditions, I have bruises and scrapes from my hips to my knees. It's really quite lovely. NOT! Oh well...I will suck it up for the semester (But I have to make it in first....minor detail).
Thirdly, all knitting/reading/work-out time has been consumed with finishing an online course. I'd really like to have it done by Valentine's Day, but it MUST be done by St. Patrick's day to get credit for it. So, dear readers, if you see me blogging more than usual/facebooking/ravelry-ing, please send me a message that says something along the lines of "GET BACK TO AMERICAN HISTORY!!!"
Lastly, I want everyone to know that I spent the record-lowest amount of money on books this semester at just about $200. Last semester it was more like $900. Not kidding. It sucked big time.
Have a nice day and hopefully a little knitting content will follow this blog.
Firstly, I haven't touched yarn and needles since I got back. Seriously, I'm that busy.
Secondly, I have spent the last three days at auditions and callbacks for Purdue Dance Company. I find out tomorrow if I got in or not. I am not overly excited about joining, but you need to be in for at least one semester to get your dance minor. After auditions, I have bruises and scrapes from my hips to my knees. It's really quite lovely. NOT! Oh well...I will suck it up for the semester (But I have to make it in first....minor detail).
Thirdly, all knitting/reading/work-out time has been consumed with finishing an online course. I'd really like to have it done by Valentine's Day, but it MUST be done by St. Patrick's day to get credit for it. So, dear readers, if you see me blogging more than usual/facebooking/ravelry-ing, please send me a message that says something along the lines of "GET BACK TO AMERICAN HISTORY!!!"
Lastly, I want everyone to know that I spent the record-lowest amount of money on books this semester at just about $200. Last semester it was more like $900. Not kidding. It sucked big time.
Have a nice day and hopefully a little knitting content will follow this blog.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
I'm back!
Hey Everyone! Today was wonderful....I started it off with remnants of a hangover (which doesn't sound all that great but it got better) went to Scholar's Inn and met up with some other knitters and had a lovely time. My friend was knitting the most beautiful entrelac scarf...her squares were much smaller than mine so best of luck finishi
ng it. It was really beautiful though. Can't wait to see finished pictures.

Speaking of finished....I have pictures for you today! In the past month and a half, I have finished 2 lace shawls, 2 sweaters (then frogged one of them to put it out of it's hideous green misery) several hats and a couple more scarves (which my mum snagged while I was still weaving in ends. You'd think 2 lace shawls would be enough for her....
So what all does it mean? My project count is at a record low, 8 wips. I want to get down to 3 or 4
before I cast anything else on, but that doesn't mean I don't have my next 8 project lined up (already in thier own bags with yarn, needles and laminated patterns, mind you.)

I also hit up the day after Christmas sales with knit-buddy Janet and bought far too many things...but they were on sale so they don't really count, do they? Oh well. Next projects in line-up. 1. Purple entrelac scarf for cousin Ambra. She
picked a SOLID color for an entrelac scarf. Is she crazy? That practically defeats the purpose of entrelac. I might as well knit it in garter stitch, she might not know the difference. 2. Glascow lace sweater from IK. I'll do that in Periwinkle...because I really just don't have that much periwinkle. Every girl should have a ridiculously lacey periwinkle sweater. It's like some unwritten rule (I may have to make that a ravelry group). 3. Some other sweater that I haven't decided on yet. But it will be a hoodie.

I also want to fit in a pair of pink socks to give to my mummy for Valentine's day. I have a lovely shade of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Baby that I got on sale a while ago. I just have to finish my Tofutsies socks first. (Pictures later...I promise)
I also saw Sweeny Todd today. I do love Johnny Depp. He's my baby's daddy after all. Well...maybe someday. Those would be some very strange, pale children though. I can see it now...Edward Knitting-needle-hands. I love it. But yes....Sweeny Todd was good. It just makes me glad I'm a vegetarian.
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