Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fighting = Speed knitting

I've been fighting alot with my roommate lately over the typical, money, her f*&^ing Diet Coke cans laying all over the appartment, and that she wants me to get a dog (and pay for a dog) after she made me get rid of my cat, Roxstar. So, instead of letting my tongue fly and say what I really want to (which is mostly screaming puncutated with F words) I'm taking it out on a new project. I know, I swore no new projects but desperate times call for desperate measures, and if this stops me from breaking her nose, then it will have served its purpose.

The project is a top-down raglan sweater with no actual pattern, just increase for sleeves and front and back when you feel like it, and when it meets under your armpits, start making a tube for the body, then tubes for the sleeves. No counting, no carrying patterns around, just plain old knitting that goes a mile a minute on magenta malabrigo (it's right next to it!) No working camera today, so no knit pics, but here is your moment of zen... an alpaca.

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