Thursday, February 17, 2011

New leaves

I'm turning over a new leaf tonight. I'm not going to my Thursday night knitting group. And I don't think I'll ever go again. While I love all of the knitters that go, there's just been drama. Too much drama. So much drama, I can't remember the last time I left on Thursday night saying, "wow, I'm really glad I went tonight" because it's just not fun anymore. I look at knitting groups as a small sort of sanctuary- I may go feeling miserable but after a few rows and the company of friends, life is great again. The past few times have been the opposite- I've gone feeling great and just absorbed everyone else's drama, so I'm done. Knitting needs to be fun again.
Continuing with leaves, I've made it to the third repeat (I think I'll do four) of the large leaf chart in my green silk shawl. This project is sort of bittersweet- I love working on it, but I'd also love to see it off my kitchen table. We've been together since last May, and it's time to move on from the silk. I'm starting over on my knit-along for the AWAT group but am still hoping to finish a couple other projects first, including the scarf for my neighbor (could finish tonight if I actually sit down and work on it- crazyness!), a chemo cap for my cousin's friend (I can't say no) and of course, green silk beast. There has been a minor setback in that project- I ran out of beads and the shops where I bought them is going to be closed until March. So my ideal deadline is blown, but I can still totally finish it for my Q1 challenge. Totally.

Let's see- oh yes! We had a holiday in there, didn't we! I skipped my usual Valentine's sulking and chocolate eating tradition and watched a lot of tv while cleaning the kitchen. I've been doing that a lot lately- helps clear my head. You should have seen my house Friday after Thursday's knitting group- it's never been cleaner. Anyhoo, I was going somewhere with this....oh yes! I got a Valentine's Day surprise! One of the ladies that I've knitted chemo caps for left a little surprise in my mailbox, which totally made my day! Aren't they cute? There's a pretty little bracelet that I've been wearing all week. I'm not normally a pink person, but I feel quite thrilled to be gifted something from one of my hat girls.
And now that I've bored you all to tears, let's see who all is reading! I'll do a little giveaway (prize yet to be determined but it should be pretty good!) to the person who guesses what is in my garden.
Just to be fair, all regular members of my Sunday knitting group are disqualified- y'all already know what it is. So is my mother. She has no need for a knitting related prize anyway. To enter leave your guess, a way to identify yourself (avatars/names/email addresses) and your favorite color of crayon. Very important step. Submit your guesses by March 1st to qualify. If you'd like to suggest an idea for a prize, leave that too. I'm open- but the green silk shawl is not on the table for this one.


laurie said...

just to let you know--I'm thinking about what will be in your garden..
I'll be back!

Unknown said...

I know but I'm pretty sure I should have been on the can't guess list.

Paige Darling said...

Yes, Jennifer, you are disqualified as I told you yesterday. But you're welcome to one of the plants if you'd like! And Laurie can have a plant too if she wants.

MamaMidwife said...

Herb garden? Basil, rosemary, mint? Stuff like that.:)

I like blue. When I was a kid my favorite blue crayon was "Cerulean".

Sorry to hear about knitnight drama. I just wish there was a knitnight around here.

MamaMidwife said...

Oh - Yarn. Yarn is a good prize. So are stitch markers and little project bags for a few more ideas.

Kim said...

I wouldn't of had a clue if you didn't say I was disqualified. I'm still trying to figure out how to convince my mother that yes, she does want to let me grow some in her yard.