Sunday, June 15, 2008

maybe...maybe. fairy knitting Godmother (different from the Knitting Fairy that works on your projects when you leave them sitting in their bags after hours of knitting and not a single inch of growth by your own hand) has offered me two tickets to Yarn Harlot this Friday in Chicago, the land of yarn shops.

Trouble is...all my knitting friends have already seen the Harlot, and Chicago is a big scary drive (for someone who gets nervous getting on an interstate-me). I would buy an Amtrak ticket but last time I took Amtrak we were 6 hours late- we could have walked to Chicago and gotten there faster. I called my mom, who for those of you who remember, promised to go to the Harlot in Indy in my place while I took the math final. Janet made my mom's day and went for her.

Things I would miss if I went to see the Yarn Harlot in Chicago:

My postcolonial literature class (I'm okay with that)
Tango (poo)
The sexy Peruvian in my Tango class (I need to do some serious thinking-he's really sexy)

Things I would miss if I didn't see the Yarn Harlot in Chicago.

The Yarn Harlot

Shit. Anyone else want to see the Harlot in Chicago? I call not driving!!!!

Oh- and my hoodie now has BOTH sleeves....oh yeah. Now just miles and miles of stockinette to make up for my abnormally long torso.

And to make up for not having a progress picture, I give you Jing Jing the olympic mascot at the Forbidden City in Beijing.


Christine said...

Did you end up coming to see the Yarn Harlot?

Paige Darling said...

Nope....stayed home and finished a sweater though!